




これまでに音楽家、舞踏家、写真家etc.…数多くのアーティストとの共演を果たす。 元LUNASEAのSUGIZO氏らのユニット、S.T.Kに参加。Earth day、COP10すべてのいのちのまつり、ハンガリー国交復興50年「ネオジャパネスク」ハンガリー公演等出演。その他、神社仏閣、ライブハウス、画廊、野外イベントなど広く活動。

2008年03月 スターシアレコードより1st Album『言挙』をリリース。

2012年11月 Kanata musicより2nd Album『家路』をリリース。


2015年3月より放送NHK Eテレ「オイコノミア」オープニング、エンディングの歌を担当。

2021年5月 日音サウンズライブラリーよりrocomoon&安田寿之名義で『JAPONISM10 Voice Electronica1』『JAPONISM11 Voice Electronica2』をリリース。


rocomoon has a unique voice that transcends the boundaries of language and nationality.
Her voice flows out as if in response to the earth, trees, water, and other natural elements. It is like a powerful yet gentle wind that envelops the listener, quietly and deeply echoing and spreading ripples through the fountain of distant memories that lie deep within the body.

Over the years, rocomoon has collaborated with musicians, dancers, photographers, and many other artists. She was part of S.T.K., a musical group founded by former Luna Sea member Sugizo and others. She performed at the COP10 Festival of All Life, and in Hungary for the 50th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Japan. She has also performed at shrines and temples, clubs, galleries, and outdoor events.

rocomoon’s first album, Kotoage, was released in March 2008, and her second album, Home Road, came out in 2012. Since March 2015, she has performed the opening and closing songs for NHK E-television’s Oikonomia. In May 2021, she released JAPONISM10 Voice Electronica1 and JAPONISM11 Voice Electronica2 under the name of rocomoon & Toshiyuki Yasuda from Nichion Sounds Library. rocomoon is based in Saga, Kyusyu.